Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Today's my brother's birthday. Actually as a family tradition(starts this year) all of us supposed to go out and have dinner somewhere together. But i don't know what my brother is thinking but he has been acting so weird lately. He just decided he doesn't want to do anything special on his birthday..not eat out together...nothing. It's making me sad. I am the one who told my mom(and she couldn't agree more) that we need to eat out together on every family member's birthdays(and we've been doing that ever since) Just because it's the only way to bring everybody back together.  We rarely have activities that we all do together and i've always wanted us to be closer. As lazy as I am, I have to push myself to go out and have bd dinner with the whole family every time because it's the only day we all get to reunite and spend some times as a family. I hope my brother can see that one day. Nobody can tell him what to do anymore. We are all so grow up and we do what we want to do. And it's his day so he get to pick what he wants to do or not do. I'm not gonna push him to do something he doesn't feel like doing and I'm not arguing with what he wants to do but i decide to still give him birthday present because he deserves to get it and because i still want it to be special to him.

I know as much as he doesn't seem to care about his day, he will definitely be thankful for even the littlest thing i give him. He's a very good brother, very helpful and always can make me laugh(when he wants to). I know what we do for him today will make him contemplate more about us as a family. Maybe not today but I'm sure one day he will understand and see the point of why we do what we do now.

Present for my brother .. a crochet kitty cat and some chocolates 

My mom gives him also something chocolatey. We went to the mall and bought them the other day. Mom also bought herself a new touch screen phone. It's nothing fancy tho. she just need a new cellphone that can call and take photo. So i pick her simple inexpensive one that has a camera. And she has to learn how to do everything on that phone now. By ''everything'' I mean how to unlock, call, answer a call, read message, take photo, charge battery.... She's a slow learner like most adults her age so we both agree on not even think about going further on learning how to use the internet from there because it will certainly be too confusing. Before she only had a very old fashion phone and not a touch screen. So landing her finger on the touch screen thing is like landing herself on the new found planet someone just discovered. It's unbelievable to think that in year 2014 someone really just has no idea how the touch screen thing work. I always know my mom doesn't know how it works because she never uses it. But seeing her actually learning how to use it and see that she really doesn't know what she's doing is so much more fascinating lol

Spooky bread in a bakery shop reminds me that halloween is coming!

Today I'm thankful for:
-I was able to convince my grandmom to have a small walk!
-Get to give my brother his bd's present.


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